Sep 17Liked by Marianne Bergvall

I recently subscribed to Marianne's Substack on the recommendation of "Palestine Will Be Free", and I am glad that I did! The latest post dives deep into UN resolutions, exploring the reasons behind the unjustified overturning of some of them. It's a fascinating read that sheds light on important Palestinian issues.

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Thank you so much for your kind words, John!:oD

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Sep 17Liked by Marianne Bergvall

"We who are desperate for Israels’ slaughter to end, must step up our game. It’s not enough to call for ceasefire and free Palestine. We must do more to get there. It’s time to defend the resistance in the public debate."

Thank you, Marianne for vocalizing what I am desperately doing. Yes we MUST NOT FEAR to do that! There is an intellectual terrorism even within those who wants ceasefire that wants to make you back up when you talk about the resistance, who look at you with contempt when you refuse to adhere to their statements in which they always sneak a "Hamas terrorist" between the lines. For some it is a matter of political correctness, they cannot handle a discussion because they are out of arguments after 5 minutes and they end it by saying " anyway all the world says Hamas is terrorist". No, it's not!

Yes, all settler colonialist entities of the world says it, all western old colonial power says it, but not the people and the countries that were/are victims of those entities.

So we just need to know in what side we want to be.

You highlited a very important matter in your piece. Many of those who explain and understand the Palestinian resistance are not leftist. My leftist heart recognizes it with deep sorrow. The Palestinian resistance is a humanitarian cause which is caused by geopolical cold inhumane interests. You don't need to be leftist to support this resistance, you just need to be humane.

We are beyond the "left" and "right" dichotomy my friends!

Finally, I'll definitely share your piece when I am exhausted with a never-ending discussion.

Thank you.

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Thank you so much for this! It is good to know that others feel like me about this. So many times in discussions we get to the point where I get the question: "You don't defend Hamas, do you??" Like they expect a "No, of course not, but...." And when I say, Yes, I do, I see the faces crawl like they took a bite of a very sour lemon. It's a big job ahead:)

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Sep 18Liked by Marianne Bergvall

Most excellent.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Marianne Bergvall


The red light had come on, under the lens. Without preamble, I turned my shoulder to the camera, stared straight into Begin's eyes, and asked: "How does it feel, in the light of all that's going on, to be the father of terrorism in the Middle East?"

"In the Middle East?" he bellowed, in his thick, cartoon accent. "In all the world! "

This is a direct passage taken from the article written for The Washington Report On Middle East Affairs , July 1991 page 35.

The article was written by Russell Warren Howe and this Menachan Begin quote was taken from a recorded interview Russell was taping with Begin for for American television in 1974.

I learned about these telling words from Mr. Begin while I was reading Alison Weir’s excellent book titled

Against Our Better Judgement

The hidden history of how the U.S. was used to create Israel

I appreciate your most excellent perspective Marianne. Thanks for the knowledge.✌🏼❤️🙏🕉

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