The bible is not an historic document; it was written over centuries by many writers. The fundamentalist Christians in the US who seem in the majority are not. They are only in the majority of Congress because AIPAC put them there and made it impossible for any rational person to get elected. Only 7-10% of people globally believe the idea that God gave "Israel" to the Jews. The vast majority do not believe that the bible can be a basis for the existence of a nation-state. This is actually a fringe belief that has been mainstreamed by powerful interest groups who profit off of the weapons of war. The problem is that the Israelis believe the stories they have based their identity on. What to do with a people who believe a myth so fervently that they are willing to commit genocide to maintain it? Many in my family were raised to believe we were part Native American. When I told my relatives that based on a DNA test I had literally no Native American DNA, they told me that was proof that DNA tests don't work. I was stunned and didn't know what more to say. This is the same kind of thing but on steroids.

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PS - thanks for another incredibly informative article!

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This is so different from the mythology we grew up with that it will be hard convincing people it’s true ☹️

Even if Israel lays down arms now, the Palestinians will still want to have their homes & farms in what is now within Israeli borders restored. That won’t happen… 😢

I can’t see a way out of this mess.

A ceasefire is only the first (but important!) step.

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Hi HulitC! Thank you for this comment! It would be very interesting for me if you would read my story, and see if you were convinced - and if you’re not, please tell me what is missing, that would be more convincing:) I have read plenty of books on this, but that was after I learned this one sentence: The whole area was under Ramses II in 1250.

And the Palestinian refugees in surrounding countries don’t want to have their grandparents’ homes and farms back - in what today is Israel. They want to be able to go to Gaza, to the Westbank, to East Jerusalem. And be compensated for their loss of home and land. And be able to choose if they want to live in a free Palestine, or in the neighbouring countries where they have been born and where they live.

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This was a very interesting read to me. And the fact that you say " I can't see a way out of this mess" , should not dishearten you from a bright future for the region.

If you read Islamic Escathology we are told that an army from East, from Khurasan region will come and liberate Palestine. This army is brewing right now as we speak in Khurasaan region and shortly the world will see it dismantle the state Israel. There is a Hadith from the Prophet Muhammed ( pbuh) which says:

"‘Surely, Black Flags will appear from the Khorasan until a group (of them) will tie their horse leashes to the Olive Trees between Beit-Lahia (in Gaza district, Palestine) and Harasta (near Damascus, Syria).’ We asked: ‘Are there any Olive trees between these places?’ He said, ‘If there isn’t any, then, soon (Olive trees) will grow so that those people (of Khorasan) will come and tie their horses there’.”

The interesting part in this Hadith is that the district BEITH LAHIA is mentioned in Gaza in Hadith 1400 years ago. Now how did Prophet Muhammed(pbuh) know about that these people who will come to liberate Palestine will will come to Gaza and tie their horses there? It's even more interesting that the genocide that started on Gaza ,started first on attacking district Beit Lahia and it's flattened out. And last but not least how did the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) know that Gaza would even need liberation by this Khurasan army in future? Here is teh link about Hadith telling you the future of Palestine:


Reports on social media and video footage from Khurasan region has showed that 700 000 ordinary men has signed up in local mosques for this campaign to liberate Palestine , and the support is growing : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrRDx7LDDd4

Not long before Palestine is liberated completely.

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Thanks, 🙏. The manifestations of these cities and their roads of dependence are sitting ducks for US settler colonial violence in Indian country to displace modernity with the autocracy of rubble through unprecedented carnage and cruelty from Fallujah to Abu Ghraib within the amnesia of imbedded media addicted to the doctrine of discovery, itself an excuse for science, because oil, dollars, and corporations are the new holy trinity.

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