Feel free to use this call in social media – you young ones who know how to do it: «Hey Bibi! Isn’t it high time that you give your bomb-guys a day off – they have been bombing children in Gaza night and day for ten months straigt now, without pause. They really deserve a break!»
Thousands of people demonstrated in Oslo 17th of August, marking the school-start that won’t happen for the children in Gaza. (Photo: Marianne Bergvall).
Millions of young people have woken up these last ten months, and they call out: “We are Palestinians”. They know that Israel is the occupier, and Palestine is the occupied. But it seems that all these good people still believe in negotiations!
The former Prime Minister of Norway, Kaare Willoch, was a stark defender of Palestinian rights, and equally a strong critic of Israels’ illegal occupation. He said 20 years ago that no peace can ever come from negotiations between a lion on one side, and a lamb with four broken legs on the other. Peace and a free Palestinian state will come the day the West demands it of Israel – not through any negotiations.
This week there have been new «negotiations» for a ceasefire. France has sent its foreign minister, and so has Britain. The US comes with the usual Tony Blinken. Nothing has ever come out of any negotiations when that guy appears on the scene.
They talk for a while, and then they come out to the world press, with something looking like long faces – telling the world that they didn’t quite hit the goal. This time – again – the story is that it’s Hamas’ fault – for not showing up. Hamas didn’t waste time on showing up to a charade. They have made it so clear, so many times before that they want the ceasefire. Instead they sent the message: «We don’t need talks – we need implementation. Give us a word when the ceasefire is real, and we’ll be there”.
The very busy and important looking negotiation guys said that they would talk again – towards the end of next week.
Do you realize how horrible that sentence is? They walk out of there, and none of them even whispers in the direction of: «And until we meet again, we demand of Israel that they stop the bombing of Gaza».
Nobody says that. And then Israel goes ahead and drops messages on 170.000 people in Gaza, telling them to move, because they are going to bomb them – again. Like they have done, every day, for ten months.
No school-start in Gaza
In Norways’ capital of Oslo, there was the biggest support I have ever seen for Palestine yesterday, 17th of August. The demonstration had focus on this semesters’ school start – which in Norway is Monday 19th. And in other normal countries around the world. In Gaza – no children will go to school on Monday. Therefore thousands of Norwegian teachers and other academics and people from all walks of life marched - and shouted: “Stop the bombing! Stop the bombing».
Thousands of people in Oslo, Norway, were shouting: “Stop the bombing!” on 17th of August. (Video: Marianne Bergvall).
Israel has killed 40.000 people. In addition to all of those, tens of thousands are missing. If we just go with the 40 thousand – half of them are childen under 18. And lets say that half of them are under school-age, that leaves ten thousand murdered school-children. In the demo in Oslo, we received the new numbers straight from Gaza. 80% of all schools are bombed out of existence. The remaining are used as shelters for thousands of people. And you know what? These schools are the next bomb-targets for Israel.
497 schools bombed to bits by Israel - that is 80% of all schools in Gaza. And the rest are surely soon to follow - if the bombing won’t stop. (Photo: Marianne Bergvall).
No politicians decry the bombing
And no official body even protests. The Norwegian public TV yesterday reported that Israel had told 170.000 people to evacuate, because they were going to attack the area. And that was that. No journalist took a telephone to our Prime Minister and asked him what he thought of that Israeli genious plan. Our Foreign Minister, Espen Barth Eide, wasn’t asked either. And of course – none of them had any statement to give of their own initiative.
And neither had France, or Britain, or Egypt, or the US – or any other country in the world, for that matter.
So tomorrow, we can all read the news about how many children Israel has bombed to death – from today, and until tomorrow. And then they will continue to bomb children - the next day. And the next day. And the next day.
Where did the insane thought enter the worlds’ collective minds, that when a ceasefire hasn’t been reached – that means that Israel has to bomb Gaza without stop? How did we end up thinking that that is the way it has to be? So the new world order is this equation: Without a ceasefire = Israel has to bomb children every night and day.
It is deeply, deeply insane, and we should instantly wake up from this craziness. And where are the Palestinian authorities in all this - why don’t they call on the peaceloving states in the world, and ask that they demand a stop to the bombing?
Stop the bombing!
When no-one else says it - then we have to. We - the people. We - the voters. So here is me – urging each and every one of you with the megaphone: Don’t waste our breath on Ceasefire now or Stop the Genocide. That is way too long into the future – it could be weeks, or even months - away. Too many children will die before that. Right now the call should be: «Stop the bombing!» And you should demand of your politicians to demand the bombing to stop. Especially France and Britain – who pretend to be interested in ceasefire – but they aren’t really, are they?
If they were, they would tell their big friend the US, to tell the Israelis to stop bombing. And while they were at it, they would also stop sending all the arms that Israel needs to continue this relentless killing of innocents. But they don’t do that either, do they?
So here is my message, that I would have put on Instagram – if I had been much younger and known how to do it. And just for the possibility that some weird individual actually would think that I support Israel, I want to say: it’s irony.
Hi there Bibi my man! I have a question for you today! Isn’t it time you gave your bomb-guys a day off?
They have been bombing children in Gaza night and day for ten months straight now – without any pause. Well, except for that one week when there actually was a pause. And then they were at it again – shabbats and all other days. So now it’s time that you show them some appreciation.
And today, August 18th, is really a memorable day to celebrate: your bomb guys have now killed ten thousand children who would have started school tomorrow – if they hadn’t been killed. And we can all imagine, well, I mean, just how terrible that would have been – for Israel.
But we all know that your brave guys have also bombed just about every school there is in Gaza – so actually no children in Gaza will start school on Monday. That is some achievement – you must be so proud!
So now it is time, Bibi. Do they really need to bomb more children this very day? Instead of raise in pay – give them a pat on the back and a day off. They have truly deserved it.
Thank you for your post, I copied this quote; The former Prime Minister of Norway, Kaare Willoch, was a stark defender of Palestinian rights, and equally a strong critic of Israels’ illegal occupation. He said 20 years ago that no peace can ever come from negotiations between a lion on one side, and a lamb with four broken legs on the other. Peace and a free Palestinian state will come the day the West demands it of Israel – not through any negotiations.
Brilliant post, Marianne. STOP THE BOMBING!!!!!